'OTR A FORMA DE DENOMINAR A CUALQUIER PARTE': HISTORIAS TR ANSNACIONALES Y HEMISFÉRICAS DE AUTORES CANADIENSES Y ARGENTINOS Resumen Los discursos transnacionales y góticos han ido de la mano en los últimos estudios críticos sobre el transterrado o el legado espectral del imperialismo y la globalización. This essay tries to analyse these transnational stories which we will call hemispheric and which bear some resemblance in Canadian and Argentinian writing, for different political and traumatic reasons, in their cinematic deployment of the homeSpace horror, childhood memories and physical and psychological boundaries which chain us to our ancestors' memories. The writers of these stories are first or second generation migrants who developed their writing career in the host country. This legacy, which appears in the form of unresolved memory traces and occluded histories resulting from diasporic migration is readily figured as an ostranenie which haunts the characters of some Argentinian and Canadian storytelling from within and without. Transnational and gothic discourses have for some time been paired in critical invoca-tions of the unhomely or spectral legacies of imperialism and globalization. Even if the fracture that trauma provokes in our female protagonists is usually read as negative, the self seeks reintegration as the fragmentation and hybridization that result from the assimilation of the posthuman is potentially liberating. Additionally, these posthuman tropes symbolically point to the ills of globalization, consumerism and late capitalism they evoke the new conditions of traumatic enslavement under technoscience, offering some hope for ironic reformulation (Ferrández San Miguel 2018, 31-32). In her seminal essay "A cyborg Manifesto," Haraway famously introduces the concept of the cyborg as "a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction" ( 1991, 149). Key cultural manifestations of the connections of trauma, biopower and the posthuman are the figures of the cyborg, the zombie and the surrogate, which undermine key dualisms of the Western philosophical tradition. The discourse of posthumanity, characterized by its opposition to, and transcendence of humanism foregrounds questions regarding what constitutes the human, exploring the boundaries of subjectivity and the body. The object of prominent philosophical and critical attention in the last decades of the twentieth century are the theories of trauma and the posthuman, which have become key frameworks to approaching contemporary culture and its artifacts. Sección de Filosofía, 27-28 de febrero 2019. III Simposio Internacional: Precarización de la vida, violencia y exclusiones sociales.